September 2, 2021

Guest Blogger OnDemand Operations: Remote Working and Top Tech Must-Haves

OnDemand Operations - Remote Working: Top Tech Must-Haves

Today, we have a guest blogger, OnDemand Operations.

Do you and your team have everything you need to get your job done? What we found out from our research with Glimpse is that a lot of remote employees do not have the tech necessary to be productive and successful working remotely.

Here’s what employees are saying:

Internet connection: While many people have a basic internet connection, employees expressed the need for better and faster connections.

  • “I think the challenging part of it is that sometimes the network makes it difficult to communicate with customers. It could be solved by installation of good boosters.”
  • “Connection and clear volume”
  • “The network issue can cause many inconveniences. However, other times you are usually not late [for work] and do have more free time.”
  • “Internet!!! It doesn’t always want to work appropriately.”

Company provided laptop and tools: It seems like a gimme but not every company provides the hardware and software in order for employees to be successful.

  • “Keeping up with technology changes [would help].”
  • “I also wish jobs would provide the computers and technology needed instead me buying it myself.”

VPN: A remote secure connection requires IT support and speed.

  • “The main challenge is finding a business that offers an vpn. Vpn is needed for its secured network.”

It takes money and equipment to fully replicate the office at home. On the upside, cloning a traditional office space is not what employees are asking for or expecting. So how can you help your remote team have what they need to be successful?

  1. Survey your employees for satisfaction with their current situation. Get a baseline and check in again after changes are made.
  2. Budget for the support needed. You may not be able to do it all. What’s the most important and how can you find that out? Provide a dollar allocation for employees to use as they need it. Some companies provide a budget for employees to outfit their home office and internet as necessary.
  3. Do your research.
  4. Boosters for speed could really improve productivity and morale. If your team members are based in places with troublesome internet access, look into this further.

What do you think?

Would you like more insight into who is making these comments? Reach out to ODO or Glimpse for more info.